"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."
-Mother Teresa

Individual Therapy
When you come to seek guidance in therapy, you are being heard by someone who is listening with his or her whole mind, heart, body, and spirit. We are engaged while actively listening to your story, cheer on your victories, carry your concerns, and guide you towards strategies and insights that build upon your strengths and are rooted in your values. At The Clarity Group, you will leave each session with a feeling of being truly understood, clearly defined goals, and immediate interventions aimed to point you towards all you seek to achieve. Individual therapy is a courageous move you make during an important time in your life. Allow our experience to empower you to live the life you were meant to live. When your heart, health, mind, and relationships are in alignment, purpose can be renewed and intimacy restored.
All of our therapists at The Clarity Group offer Individual Therapy. Click here to Meet the Team and choose a therapist that's right for you.

Couples Therapy
No matter how much you want a loving and thriving relationship, life’s stressors, difficult circumstances and negative painful patterns can get in the way. Whether it be a recent event or years of negativity and relational conflict growing the distance between you, there is hope the two of you can find your way back to one another.
Couples therapy can help you break free from the negative patterns that seem nearly impossible to avoid. These negative patterns are toxic, unproductive and deeply hurtful. Change is possible!
By working with the therapist to clearly hear you and your partner’s intentions, couples learn interventions to stop these negative habits and inspire hope again. The therapist encourages the couple to dig deeply into the patterns that have led each person to such frustration and isolation. Trust, commitment, love and meaningful connection can be slowly repaired as the couple does the hard work of repairing the foundation, learning to intervene early and with vulnerability so relational intimacy can be renewed.
The therapist will conduct a detailed assessment to identify the nuances of the negative patterns that have facilitated your relational frustration and hopelessness. We offer 1 hour sessions or 2-3 hour intensives, depending on the needs of the couple. Contact each therapist directly to begin the process of restoring hope to you relationship.
Our therapists who offer this service:
Whitney HerrmannChip Sawyer
Dr. John Zivojijovic

Adolescent & Teen Therapy
The teenage years can be some of the most volatile and confusing years of a person’s life. The pressure to perform academically, socially, and athletically, all while staying connected to the family can be enough to unnerve even the most grounded students. With social media’s influence, the opinions of others have never been more powerful. Trying to stay balanced while retaining joy can seem impossible.
At The Clarity Group, we don’t believe adolescence is a period of life you should “just get through.” The teen years can be filled with incredible power, exploration, and purpose. As you partner with us to more clearly understand what you value and desire, we will equip you with strategies to achieve your goals, manage all you have to accomplish, and break through the sadness so happiness can return.
The teen years are filled with change; however, as you define more clearly who you are, what you want, and what you believe, we will help you to cultivate a life and relationships founded upon joy, confidence, and calm. We can help you find a way to communicate with your parents, coaches, and teachers again, not feel alone, and reduce your anxiety so you can face all that is ahead. If you choose to courageously partner with us, we will bring you our best to make sure you feel relief. It is hard to admit you need help, but we believe it is our job to earn your trust through bringing you strategies that can help. You don’t have to love coming, but with excellent therapy, over time you should see how partnering with us can change your life for the better.
Our therapists who offer this service:
Whitney HerrmannMarinda Peak
Leslie Dickinson
Chip Sawyer
Nicole Sidebottom

Parent Coaching
You love your child and consider yourself an invested parent and yet it may seem like it is becoming increasingly difficult to connect with your teen. With constantly evolving technology, your confidence is plummeting as you strive to supervise and guide your child through these significant years. You long for the days when you still felt you had power and control over the environment that influenced your child.
The therapists at The Clarity Group specialize in systemic approaches, staying up to date in the latest research and parenting strategies to keep your children safe and equip them to thrive. Whether it be your child is struggling with depression, anxiety, self harm, addictions, acting out or you simply long for better ways to connect, the therapists at Clarity Group are here to help. You can feel confident again, knowing you are parenting from an informed, effective, and balanced perspective. There is no perfect way to parent, but you can know you did all that was possible to nurture and empower those you love most.
All of our therapists at The Clarity Group offer Parent Coaching. Click here to Meet the Team and choose a therapist that's right for you.

Clarity Group is honored that you, as a parent, would consider entrusting us with your child’s healing journey. Whether your child’s experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, impulsivity, anger, acting out, or shutting down, our clinicians are equipped with specialized tools ready to engage your child in a way that builds trust and safety to explore their inner world. Children communicate through their behaviors and their play. Because play is such an important element of processing for kids, Clarity Group is ready to meet with your child in our play room furnished with a vast array of toys, games, and art supplies designed to create a comforting environment and sense of familiarity that’s sure to draw out your child.
Our therapists who offer this service:
Leslie DickinsonMarinda Peak
Chip Sawyer

Public Speaking/Teaching
The providers at The Clarity Group have years of experience with public speaking and teaching. Our clinicians seek to partner with the community to share their expertise and knowledge on a wide variety of mental health topics; ranging from motivation speaking, topical instruction, trainings, seminars, retreats, and presentations. Our therapists have the knowledge and experience to help your school, business, organization or church with the expertise you need. If you are interested in speaking with one of our talented therapists for a speaking engagement or teaching opportunity, please email them directly.
Examples of Public Speaking and Teaching Engagements by Clarity Group Providers:- Parenting in the Age of Technology
- Top 10 Things Your Child’s Therapist Wish You Knew
- Combating Mom Guilt
- Jesus and the Stages of Grief
- How Mothers Can Teach Healthy Body Image
- How To Truly Increase a Teen’s Self-Esteem
- Depression, Anxiety and How To Cope for Teens
- Strength in Leadership for Teens
- Vocation and Calling for Teens
- Understanding Teens: Psycho-Education for Clinicians
- De-escalation Skills and the Attachment Cycle
- Freedom through Forgiveness
- Realigning your Relationships through Reconciliation
- How to Handle Conflict Constructively
- Parenting Skills
- Coaching
- Marriage
- Communication Skills
- How do Deal with S.T.R.E.S.S Proactively
- The Parable of the Porcupines: Understanding and Addressing Attachments
- Coaching for Success
- Anger Management
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- IMAP – Integrative Marital Alignment Process
- Why do I Feel Like I’m Going to Explode? Understanding Toxic Shame
- Developing the Power of Shame Resilience
- Addressing Fears and Insecurities
- Self-Image
- Our Limits and Self-Acceptance
- Overcoming Challenges

Workshops & Classes
The seasoned professionals of Clarity Group are dedicated to remaining on the cutting edge of their specialties, attending advanced trainings to ensure you and your loved ones are being taught by the latest research and strategies. The therapists offer a variety of classes that are thoughtfully structured to effectively utilize your time while cultivating new skills and being exposed to innovative perspectives. Check each therapist’s biography for his or her latest classes being offered.

Clarity Group offers therapeutic groups for adolescents, teens and adults throughout the year. These groups are confidential and sacred dedicated spaces for healing. Clients can learn not only from the therapist, but from walking alongside peers experiencing similar circumstances. It is with the combination of compassion, warmth and guidance, clients reconnect to the community and heal along the way. Please check with each therapist’s bio for current groups being offered and contact them directly for availability.

Clinical Supervision & Consultation
Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision is central to the process of becoming a seasoned clinician. The Clarity Group is committed to providing clinicians with a unique working alliance where you as a therapist can enhance your clinical skills and areas of competency. The safe, reflective space our supervisors create allow you to experience increased confidence and greater self-awareness, as well as professional development and personal self-care. Whether you're working toward licensure or looking for a dedicated therapist to offer insight into your practice, The Clarity Group will enable you to take the next step in your career.
Therapists at The Clarity Group are deeply committed to contributing to the well-being of our community. We aim to see children, teens, couples and families excel and thrive throughout our local schools and community organizations. We partner with teachers, administrators, and innovative leaders to establish detailed and specific interventions for students and families, and implement strategies for positive systemic change.
Our therapists who offer this service:
Whitney HerrmannNicole Sidebottom
Chip Sawyer
Dr. John Zivojinovic

Executive Coaching
Do you feel like you are in a “rut” and can’t get out? Do you find yourself grasping for ideas and somehow you can’t find any? Are you asking, “how do I move this organization forward?” What about, “Who could I talk to confidentially and outside of the organization?” Maybe you are on the precipice of significant change and the thought of it immobilizes you. You are not alone!
Executive coaching is a confidential process whereby leaders and managers can discover the answers they are looking for by having someone facilitate their self-discovery. The process seeks to empower each person to unearth solutions and creative ideas that are latent within them.
Why would a therapist be a valuable coach?
- Confidentiality is essential to our success
- Asking excellent questions and excavating deep insights is what we do
- If the client experiences a mental, relational or emotional clog, we know how to move forward
- We are skilled at determining what our clients bring best to the table
- Some therapists are trained coach’s bringing both worlds together to benefit the client
Our therapists who offer this service:
Chip SawyerDr. John Zivojinovic

Do you love being a therapist but dread the marketing, branding and business strategy required to make your practice the best it can be? The therapists at the Clarity Group are passionate not only about counseling, but also love walking alongside other mental health professionals to enhance their vision, mission and marketing strategies. Our branding coaches have innovative marketing strategies tailored to your specialties in order to reach more of your niche populations while allowing you to focus on the work that truly brings you life. We are licensed counselors who have proven we have what it takes to maintain in demand practices, often having to close or maintain a waitlist. You are not alone and do not have to try the same old techniques, wondering where all the clients are. We are here to help and delight in watching other professionals succeed. We will offer you a variety of packages that offer whatever depth of mentoring you need. As we say at the Clarity Group, “One Team, One Dream.”